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Rutina de limpieza de párpados y cuidado de pestañas

Con la rutina de limpieza de párpados y cuidado de pestañas, eliminará las costras de las pestañas y combatirá la acumulación de aceites y microorganismos que causan la inflamación e irritación de los párpados. Con un cuidado constante, esta rutina de cuidado de párpados y pestañas puede ayudar a mantener los párpados humectados, lo que puede ayudar a prevenir la sequedad y la formación de orzuelos en los párpados.

¿Tiene una compresa tibia para los ojos? El Dr. Allen recomienda encarecidamente una compresa tibia con esta rutina. ¿No está seguro de por qué debería usar una compresa tibia?

¡Haga clic a continuación para ver este vídeo!

Resultados más rápidos con compresas tibias para ojos secos: 5 consejos

Este suministro de 1 mes incluye

    • 1 caja de The Daily Lid WIpe™ (un total de 30 toallitas para párpados envasadas individualmente)

    • 1 botella de limpiador y humectante para párpados ZocuFoam™

    • Si necesita una compresa tibia para los ojos, tendrá la opción de agregar una a su compra en el siguiente paso después de haber agregado esta rutina a su bolsa de compras.


Free shipping on orders over $50

  • With continual care, this lid and lash care routine can help keep the eyelids moist, which can help prevent dryness and eyelid styes from forming.
  • Do you have a warm eye compress for your eyes? Dr. Allen strongly recommends a warm compress with this routine. Not sure why you should use a warm compress? Click below to check out this video!

FASTER Results with Your Warm Compress for Dry Eyes - 5 Tips

*If you need a warm eye compress, you will have the option to add one to your purchase in the next step after you have added this routine to your cart.

Cleansing Lid & Lash Care Routine includes 1 month supply:
  • 1 box of The Daily Lid WIpe™ (total of 30 individually packaged eyelid wipes)
  • 1 bottle of ZocuFoam™ Eyelid Cleanser and Moisturizer which contains 1.7 fl

*If you need a warm eye compress, you will have the option to add one to your purchase in the next step after you have added this routine to your cart.

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Rutina de limpieza de párpados y cuidado de pestañas



A modern eyelid wipe that is preservative free and uniquely soft & gentle.
  • The Daily Lid Wipe™ is designed for the daily management of dry eye symptoms, blepharitis, demodex and eye strain.
  • This modern, preservative free lid wipe contains premium Tea Tree Oil and Euphrasia to help treat irritation, redness, and dryness. 
  • Infused with high quality Hyaluronic Acid, Chamomile and Pro-Vitamin B this wipe soothes, calms and refreshes the eye area with extra moisture providing thorough cleansing for daily eye health maintenance.


ZocuFoam™ is an ophthalmologist developed eyelid cleanser featuring Zokrex™, an advanced okra-based formula with natural botanicals to deeply cleanse so your eyes feel clean, refreshed, and moisturized.
  • A gentle but powerful eyelid cleanser leaves dry eyes feeling refreshed and energized.
  • Soothes and rehydrates tired eyelids.
  • Removes Demodex, which can clog glands and cause irritation, allowing the eyes to feel refreshed.
  • ZocuFoam™ targets the inflammation which is the root problem that causes itchy, irritated, dry eyes.
  • Contains no tea tree oil or hypochlorous acid.